Hi, I'm Sumedha Rai

Senior Data Scientist and AI researcher based in New York

About Me

I am a Senior Data Scientist and AI researcher based out of New York. I’m currently working with a micro-investments firm where I lead AI for fraud detection and I’m also responsible for all Natural Language Processing efforts. Additionally, I'm a researcher at the Center for Data Science at NYU and the Langone Medical School, where my work has cross collaborations with researchers from other departments. Currently, my work here involves exploring large language models in medicine and AI in neurosurgery.

As a dedicated researcher, I have worked with distinguished academics, product companies, hedge funds, and central banks and even neurosurgeons. In the capacity of a judge, I review for peer-reviewed journals frequently and I have been invited as a judge for startup accelerators and multiple hackathons. I've also authored articles on AI in major media and frequently go to NYU as a panelist in tech. I’ve been a speaker for fintech conferences, national radio shows and podcasts. My professional experience spans diverse domains, including finance, medicine, SaaS and policy. I consistently stay informed about the latest tech developments, always eager for the opportunity to dissect and glean insights from them.


"Discover a vast collection of my AI-focused articles, published in reputable outlets, covering a diverse range of topics in the field


I am always eager to connect with fellow professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts who share a passion for data science, artificial intelligence, and its applications across various domains.